Pros And Cons Of Joining The European Union

Without question, the European Union is an economic powerhouse.Its foundation of strength is the industriousness of European workers and their willingness to sell their time and labour in return for a decent standard of living.(I said "standard of living," not "quality of life." The latter comes to us in a different way!).A superficial examination of the EU by non-member countries generates much interest to join, and so we have several countries queuing to join and rearranging their internal affairs to qualify for membership.

BIG MISTAKE!!! The European Union is controlled and run by the same group of (...) elitists than the Anglo-Saxon world.All member countries are hopelessly indebted - governmentally, provincially, municipally, industrially, and individually.Their debts to the banking world are hanging over their heads like guillotines, and the man at the rope is someone from the (...) family in close ties with those keeping a direct line to (...) open at all times.

The people's incomes are taxed enormously, and almost all of their hard-earned cash goes up in cost-of-living expenses.

The system is a whiplash system, meaning: "Get up to go to work in the morning, come back at night to get ready for going back to work in the morning!" I call it "The whiplash effect for survival."

The profits this overworked, overstressed and underpaid (in terms of purchasing power) society generates goes to shareholders of public companies.And although the social safety net may be a little better refined than what we find here in the Americas, what we are dealing with in essence is a large society of slaves to the (...) financial system.Crime is rampant and their prosperity is an illusion, for behind that facade is no freedom for the people, for no one is truly free unless also economically liberated!

My advice to prospective member states is to put all efforts of joining the European Union on hold.Initiated by the Government of Iraq is an effort in the making which offers a far superior system of economics than what the EU can offer.The inherent flexibility of the Federation of United Arab States (once established) makes plenty allowance for associated states in economic collaboration with the main body of Arab nations.

The great attraction to joining the Arab Nation economic block of nations is that for the first time in many millennia the people will uniformly and equally become beneficiaries of their own productive efforts without seeing their labour go to waste on usury, taxes and overpriced essentials to basic life.

(Written on September 29, 1999, and published on internet.The collapse of the New York towers as well as the subsequent invasion of Iraq on a false pretense prevented structuring the economic aspect of the Federation of United Arab States).

Article Written by sentanaries

I am one of many Commanders in the Federation of Unified Starships. Our purpose for being here is to prepare all humanity for a successful evacuation off this planet, and later on to return for becoming the seed people for repopulating earth in a New Era.

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